I like forms and patterns. I like to organize events as stories. So it seemed fitting to start a new blog at the same time as I moved to a new apartment. I have been planning this for a while now, more or less since I started getting passionate about knitting.
I often joke about how converts tend to be the most enthusiastic followers of any movement, and I am a very good example of that. In school when we had to knit mittens, mine got finished only with the help of my mother and a family friend. Although friends have talked about sock knitting in school, I can't recall having knit any other item -perhaps my teacher saw that I was rather hopeless and allowed me to do other things.

I cannot say exactly why
I suddenly wanted to knit something for my boyfriend in Christmas 2007. It might be that in spite of the difficulties I had had (or perhaps because of them), I knew the value of handmade gifts, and wanted to make a gift that would have that value. The product of my efforts was a simple garter stitch scarf, knit very loosely like beginner projects tend to be and with a monotony that killed my knitting instinct for almost a year. Yet a sense of accomplishment remained: the scarf was, and is, used.
Christmas 2008 I started early. This time I made mittens as a gift, and a scarf for myself. And after that a hat, and armwarmers, and a bag...I discovered Ravelry and read more and more blogs. There really was no turning back from the road once taken.
I now knit nearly every day and have a respectable stash. I still think of myself as a novice with more enthusiasm than skills but feel that I am nevertheless progressing somewhere.
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